For several months we have been without regular access to internet (needing to depend on local government-run internet centers which have poor internet service).
Lack of internet access combined with lots of work has resulted in no blogging.
A new internet system is expected to be installed in the parish by Easter. Then the blogging can resume and will include updates on the following:
- 2-day parish pilgrimage to Higüey
- very successful catechist workshops that trained over 30 catechists from every community in the parish - Samantha Kepler did a tremendous job running the workshops!
- piano classes for junior high and high school students (given by Samantha and myself)
- visit by a group of friends of mine from Queen of Apostles Parish (Alexandria) and Our Lady of Angels Parish (Woodbridge)
- visit by Marymount University students to do service project in Fr. Murphy's parish
- visit by George Mason University students (including my mom as one of the group leaders) to do service project in various communities of the parish
- profile of the two tremendous American volunteers serving here (Tom Brock, the director of the Parish Center, and Samantha Kepler, who serves the parish in various capacities including as a catechist, catechist formator, and director of the choir)