The youth of St. Francis parish in Banica (and the 18 mission communities) have been blessed the past two years to have had the very generous service of Maire Egger. After graduating from college "Maria" (as she is known here) has served in various positions in service in both Banica and Pedro Santana.
As a catechist she has done tremendous work in forming the next generation of Catholics. I have seen her in action during her last month here and she is indeed a very talented catechist. As a talented musician she also has been giving violin lessons with the result that 4 young ladies in Banica now play the violin rather well. These young ladies will maintain their repertoire by playing at daily Mass now at least once a week.
The farewell fiesta for Fr. Gee this past weekend was also a farewell fiesta for her, as she leaves this week with a heavy heart. She commented to me today, "I wish I could stay here another year."
Photos show her bidding farewell after Mass in Banica last weekend to some of the youth, leading her violin students during the farewell Misa, and then a goodbye visit to some of the children in the pueblo of Pilon.
Que Dios te pague, Maria, for all that you have done these past two years bringing children the love and knowledge of God.